Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 1 - Take me home

This is where is all begins right? It is tough to choose that first photo since I took so many. I made the decision last night to begin this- but am officially entering it into BLOG form today. How in the world to I pick? I took over 300 shots. I think that my decision is based on the fact that I have driven past this barn many, many days out of the week. I have always wanted to take a picture of it. But today I was in the passenger seat and I had my camera. Yes, this is the one. I love how this paints the picture of the "country" for me. Then, you add in all the snow- it is just gorgeous. The sky was white, it was a perfect shot.


  1. dude, this is hilarious. my tips:

    1. get ready to take pictures of the most random things like garbage bins and pill bottles just so you can get that picture of the day.
    2. editing can make a world of difference even in what you might think is the LAMEST picture.
    3. lightroom presets are my best friend.
    4. don't wait til the end of the day.
    5. always always have your camera with you. and I keep lenses in my car if I wanna switch 'em out.
    6. there will be a couple of days in there where you will be disappointed. I have a couple of blog posts that stand out to me on days that I was sick or something and the picture was just lame.
    7. don't stop. I'm over halfway there and I know the end result will be worth it.
    8. don't try to get "themey". like christmas, I thought it should be extra christmasey, or any special events - trying to relate your pic to that ONE thing just makes it that much harder.
    9. try to be diverse.
    10. I'm glad you decided not to caption them like me. I will sit there for hours trying to think of a freaking caption.

    this'll be fun. we can whine to each other. I'm gonna go ahead and shamelessly plug my blog now:

    good luck, roomie!

  2. I heart barn pictures.

    btw I will give you loads of comments - especially if you reciprocate:)
